Monday, February 29, 2016


As my co worker was handling the production so following locations were finalized by him.


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Screen Play:

Tittles appear (Production house)
Titles fade out
Fade in
External-the roads of the city

There is only one scene with a lot of cuts
(Interior of a room out of focus and keys placed on the table in focus)
A person comes and pick up the keys and goes out of the door.
Cut 2:
The camera captures the mid-long shot of the actor while he is sitting in the car and closes the door of the car.
Cut 3:
There is a close up of the keys in hands while the main character is starting the car.
Cut 4:
The camera shows the extreme long shot of the car while going on the road.
Cut 5:
Car move on the road while the camera captures the Extreme long shot of the place.
Cut 6:
Mid close up of hands on steering while driving
Cut 7:
The interior of the car is shown in different shots and point of view of the driver while driving is shown in this cut.
Cut 8:
The camera pans towards left. And then tilts downwards to show the building and the again the camera tilts upwards
Cut 9:
Different parts of the city including markets, buildings, shops, people passing by in track shot while the car is on the go. Including some long shots and the extreme long shots.
Cut 10:
Point of view of the main lead while the camera shoes the mid close up of people who are cycling on canal road.
Cut 11:
The camera captures the point of view of the lead actor while he is driving.
Cut 12:
The camera screened the city cafe.
Cut 13:
The camera screens the extreme long shot of the car while moving and then pans leftwards and then tilts upwards.
Cut 14:
The camera takes the close up of the interior of the car.
Cut 15:
The camera pans leftwards while the car moves on.
Cut 16:
Point of view of the driver while driving on the road.
 Fade out
 Name of the film appears.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Final Idea :

So we finalized the initial  idea together (me and my coworker) on this project.I did a little bit changes in the final idea - I showed the journey around the city; showing the whole city-the city life also represented the life the guy on which our story is based ."The Journey" the tittle of film has a symbolic meaning-the journey of life .The film opening will show the journey of life of the guy  who is in the video(the driving person) The film opening will be about the journey and to cover this idea there will be a proper story board and other stuff as per the requirements of the project.