Saturday, January 23, 2016

Initial Idea:

As I am the creative head, of the Project “Film Opening”.I  gave many unique and exceptional ideas. But some of them were hard to shoot. while i was watching Fast and Furious i got an idea that a person is travelling around the city in his car.  While showing different part of the city in the opening and life around the city the sequence will be formed by joining different cuts from inside the car and from outside as well. The idea behind this film opening is to show the theme of the city while the person is on a journey in which the rest of the imaginary film will be shot and the Mis- en- scene showing his lifestyle.

Preliminary Exercises:


First Exercise:

Before starting our project “Film Opening” I was bit nervous and stressed about the making and completion of it within the given time. Soon I composed myself and my mentor of Media Studies consoled me and helped me to learn about the camera techniques. She guided me how to execute camera movements like Pans and tilts. Moreover she used to give me the assignments for home to capture different shots and angle so that I get familiar with the camera techniques and shouldn’t be troubled of handling the camera. Gradually with this tactic of my instructor I became confident enough to handle camera. She made me put into practice all the basic shots like Extreme long shot/Master shot / Establishing shot, the Long shot and the Ariel shot, the low angle. This gave me a lot of confidence and I practiced all these shots on my family trip to Northern areas of Pakistan.

The second  


The film(project):


The link of the blog 


Before attempting the film opening project I decided to take part in the film making competition, organized by Beacon house National University (BNU) under the title of Beacon house Film Festival 2015. The film festival required to make one short film of five to seven minutes maximum .The film festival offered five topics on which I had to make the film and presented five genres-I had to make a film keeping in mind the topic and the genre. The topic I chose was schools and society and the genre was drama. I decided to make this film with my batch companions. My team comprised of Rida Shafqat-the producer, Muhammad Ahmad who was the Director of photography. I offered my services as creative head, as I crafted the plot of the film and tried to present the story in an effective manner.  I also worked as a Director of Photography. We tried our level best to complete our film within a limited budget and available resources. The title of the film is “A Story of Two Girls”. A   story two girls is created   by the help of simple digital single lens reflex and the tripod stand. This film is a comment on the prevailing economic disparity in the society. The story is reflecting the different lifestyle of two girls of same age belonging to two different classes. In this film the difference is shown for example in their routine life, study pattern, games , their shopping preferences and above their educational institutions. It is shown that both girls studied in different school. They could not even shop at the same place. The rich went to mall to have a cup of coffee and the poor one went to ordinary shop to eat inexpensive ice cream. The whole film is shot in the Point of View shot-as the Point of View gave the more emotive message as compared to any other shot. We tried our level best that each scene is just right and conveys the message. The story line was notable. The most important objective to do this project was to familiarize myself with the camera techniques, blogs and other requirements like story boards. I made a blog which had all the information that how we created our film. This experience gave me confidence and assurance to attempt the project of Film Opening, for the International Examination.


As per the requirement of the course work of the Media Studies, I am assigned to make a project on film opening task; for this I need to enhance my perceptive regarding   the technicalities of the film. I decided to shoot my film .So to get an idea that how to shoot film I watched   many movies for the last few days and came across a lot of movies but the movies I wrote about the movies which I think are aesthetically   remarkable. I wrote about "Trance" 2013 by "Danny Boyle", "The Hunger Games"2012 by"Gary Ross" and "English Vinglish"2012 by "Gauri Shinde":

TRANCE 2013:

Trance” is a movie which contains suspense, drama and thrill. The film opens with variety of extreme close ups reflecting expectation and twists with a scene of London auction house.  Francisco Goya's 1798 masterpiece "Witches in the Air" was on auction, which was being robbed at gunpoint. Assistant auctioneer Simon is assigned to   guard the auction's most valuable painting “Witches in the Air"- to safety area. But he was encountered by the head robber Mr. Frank on his way to the auction house's basement vault.  Franck smacked Simon unconscious and grabs the painting but later on he discovers that the canvas has been cut from its frame. Trance has notable Mis-en-scene -The Mis-en-scene includes props, locations, the cast ……every thing was unflawed the Mis-en-scene is very attention-grabbing .Sounds added up the suspense .In this movie the shots are very smoothly joined together .The film had a lot of zoom ins, pans and tilts. And this movie just strike the heart of the spectator and the observer gets addicted to it.

The Hunger Games (2012):

The evil Capitol of the nation of Panem organized an evil game called “HUNGER GAMES” every year.  The Panem, forces each of its twelve districts to send a teenage boy and girl to compete in the Hunger Games. It is a competition in which two teenagers from each of the twelve Districts of Panem are chosen at random to fight to the death. An older sister, Katniss Everdeen, willingly takes her younger sister's place in the Hunger Games. Katniss ready to fight under the guidance of her drunken mentor, former victor Haymitch Abernathy. She has to rely on her sharp instincts to fight against the highly-trained Tributes who have prepared for these Games their entire lives. This movie is spotlessly scripted. Analyzing the techniques of the film: Mis-en-scene is just noteworthy -everything was flawless. As far as the sounds were concerned the sound effects were used to enhance the effect of the scene in hunger games.. In this movie there are different shots and angles along with a lot of good panning and tilting camera movements and display of faultless camera shots. The element in the frame looks miraculous; it’s a “thumbs up” movie.
English Vinglish 2012:


The plot of the film revolves around a loving and sweet tempered housewife, who sacrifices her whole life for her family. She is often mocked by well educated husband and her daughter for her inability of speaking English. Her other attributes like her, devotion resourcefulness and open mindedness were marred only because of her inability of speaking English. On her trip to Manhattan she decides to enroll in an English Learners class and meets a host of new people who teaches her to value herself beyond the narrow perspective of her family. The story ends with a positive note that one should rely on ones traits and use it accordingly and maintain self respect. The script of this film is very emotive. Camera is intelligently used as the film opens with the series of shots reflecting the activity of the leading actress .The Mis-en-scene is just ideal; including their wardrobe, cast, lights, sounds the producer has done exceptional job. 

Friday, January 22, 2016

Film Opening Task-Introduction:

Hi, this is Roshaney Asif. I am student of A levels Media Studies. I made this blog for my project “Foundation Portfolio”-the film opening task .The Film opening task is the very first challenge I have to face .In Foundation Portfolio task I am playing the role of Director of Photography and  the writer and Asad Ali –one my class fellows is a part of my team. He is the producer and the editor of the film.